Thank you for reaching out to us.
We look forward to helping you!
We recognize finding a physical therapist is a difficult process.
We're so glad you found us and we can't wait to start working with you.
If you contacted us during business hours, call us at 510-883-3534! We have a real human who can answer your questions and get you started ASAP. You don't have to wait to feel better!
“Not only did their care and support help me make a full postpartum recovery, but they also addressed years of pelvic floor pain. I met AND exceeded my care plan goals”
What’s our story?
We started as three staff physical therapists, frustrated by the lack of patient-centered care and money focused decision-making in the clinics we were in. We wanted more time to focus on our patients needs, we wanted more community for our clients to be a part of while they got better, we wanted more collaboration with medical teams and other physicians to be able to serve our clients better
….and Level Up Wellness + PT was created…..
We decided to start our own practice-where we would treat people with the care they deserved, have classes and events to create more community and fun while people heal, and create space in our schedules to work with other clinicians for our clients. We believe this is what makes us different. This is what allows up to help people LEVEL UP!
“She made a very scary time in my life into something very positive and healing. Not only did she physically help the post surgical healing process but her attention to patient care was exceptional.””
How are we Different?
At Level Up Wellness + Physical Therapy we specialize in your condition. We take specialty courses, learn from each other, and focus our skills on the types of conditions that we treat. You won’t be the only person in the clinic with your symptoms or condition, and we promise we’ve heard you symptoms before and have the expertise and resources to get you better.
We work one-on-one with our patients for a full hour each session to ensure we are making true change in symptoms and working towards your goals. You’ll never be the passed off to an aide or a different person during your session. You also have our undivided attention. We won’t have a patient in the other room, or working on exercises, while we listen and treat you. We keep our schedules light so that we can truly listen, think, and focus on what is going on with each patient at a time.
We want you to achieve the highest goals you can imagine! We won’t stop therapy because its “good enough” or tell you that “You just have to live with it”. We will continue to work with you towards your goals-whatever they may be!
“After carefully assessing my problem, she developed a customized plan that we amend each week as I make progress. ”
“I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve from a running injury and required specialized pelvic floor therapy. The results have been wonderful. Within three months, my symptoms reduced to a fraction of what they were, and I am able to begin ultra running again. After multiple doctors, physical therapists, and massage therapists I had begun to lose hope that non-surgical treatment could work. ”
Frequently Asked Questions
I’d like to make an appointment, but could I talk to you first?
Yes. We offer a 15-20 minute free phone consultation, with a specialized clinician, if you’d like to connect with us before scheduling your first appointment.
Where is your office? Do you have parking?
We are located at 3645 Grand Ave. Suite 203, Oakland, CA 94610. Metered street parking is available in the front of the building and along the street.
What if I have been to physical therapy before and didn’t get better?
We have heard this before! We have designed our clinic to serve the needs of the specific types of patients we serve. This means we work with patients with your condition all day, every day, and specialize in this care. Many other offices have a therapist who sees our specialties occasionally, but don’t have the depth and bredth of experience we are able to have because its ALL we do!
Do I need a referral before I see you?
No, in the state of California, we are able to see people through direct access. Which means we can see you ASAP! We do need a referral on file within 12 visits or 45 days of your first visit. but we can get started and begin the healing right away.
Will I see my therapist for the full session or passed on to an aide?
You will be with your clinician the ENTIRE visit. We do not have aides that take over for our exercises in our clinic. Your specialized clinician will be with you through every treatment, exercise, and question you have!
Will I have to do a long list of exercises?
We believe in using manual therapy, exercise, movement training, and eduction to help people get better. We will work to make sure that the only exercises you need to do are the ones that really make a difference in your symptoms and help you feel more empowered in your healing.